Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Transcription Services for Authors and Self Publishers

We know that being a good writer takes skill, passion, experience and talent. However if you want to be a brilliant writer, you also need dedication, patience, adequate time and research skills. Well, that or a great transcription and online support service! Okay, all joking aside, we really can make your life easier if you are a writer on author, especially if you’re short on time and don’t want to waste it on the more tedious parts of the writing process (think research, organising ideas, typing up notes, etc.). Want to know more about our Transcription Services for Authors and Self Publishers? Then read on!

Transcription services and proofreading for authors
I’ve found a mistake. Let’s spread it on social media.

Dictations (Ideas, notes or your whole manuscript)

Why spend all day sitting at your desk trying to think of an idea or cultivate an existing idea, when you can simply dictate your ideas as and when they occur to you? With our transcription services for authors and self publishers, we can turn your dictated ideas into organised notes, helping you to write your first draft much faster. In fact we find that many authors are happy to dictate whole chapters or entire manuscripts which not only saves a huge amount of time (on average you speak 4 times faster than a professional typist can transcribe) but you also avoid possible injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and RSI. Not only that, you no longer have to spend hours sitting at a your desk. Freedom at last!

Proofreading and Copy Editing

Whether you are a journalist, author or novelist, it is essential that you proofread your work thoroughly. Amongst other things, the prevalence of social media alone means that literary mistakes are quickly noticed, scrutinised, criticized and shared! This can spell disaster for your reputation and your revenue. We provide professional proofreading services and copy editing, using qualified proofreaders and experienced copy editors. Depending on your needs we can check and correct anything and everything, from fact checking to formatting, syntax to spelling!

Formatting and Self-Publishing

We can format your manuscripts in a number of styles and layouts depending on your requirements. We currently format copy for manuscripts, scripts, articles, blog posts, press releases and eBooks. We find that this makes the process of self-publishing much easier and also avoids unsightly layouts on self published material, which can put off potential readers.

Translations for Authors

Finally, we also have a team of linguists and foreign language writers available who are able to convert your writing into any language, giving your copy a worldwide appeal!
So there you have it, being a brilliant writer can be much easier with a good team to support your talent!
If you are interested in our transcription services for authors, proofreading, copy editing or formatting services, why not get in touch today? We are available 365 days a year and are hope to make your writing projects as simple, enjoyable and hassle free as possible.
Transcription City Transcription Services are based in London, so if you need to drop off hard copies or printed copies of your manuscript, feel free to call to arrange a time to drop them off.
Amazon also has some great information on self publishing, which you can find here: Kindle Self Publishing

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha