Transcription Services For Authors

Transcription For Authors

Using a transcription company can make writing your manuscript a whole lot easier. Whether you are in the process of writing a novel, screenplay or manual, ideas are key to writing interesting and captivating copy.

Transcription For Authors
Transcription For Authors

Here are just some of the ways that you can use a transcription service to help produce your masterpiece!
Organise Your Thoughts. One of the great things about using transcription services is that you can record your thoughts and ideas anywhere and at any time via Dictaphone, smartphone or even a notebook! Your ideas can then be transcribed, organised as instructed and then sent back to you in a Word document. This helps to make it easier to distinguish between what you want to keep and what you want to discard. We find this can make the early stages of planning and gathering information for your book or novel much easier.
Save Time. Once you have the basic structure of your work, you can begin dictating your first draft. The major benefit of dictation is that it is much faster than typing everything out yourself, around 4 times faster in fact! This means that instead of spending long hours at your computer you are able to let your ideas flow and get much more done in far less time.
Maximise Productivity. Another definite benefit of using a transcription company is that as you are dictating, you will find that it is much easier to tell whether your writing has the right tone and flow; this is something that can prove difficult when writing first drafts (especially for people who are new to writing). A good transcription service will help you all the way through to your final draft – you can even dictate your cover letter for transcription, ready to send to your agent or publisher.
Transcription Service Additional Extras:
Formatting and Layout Services. Look for a transcription company that offers custom layouts and formatting, so that your work is presented exactly how you need it to be.
Proofreading and Light Editing Services. Some transcription services will also offer proofreading and light editing services to ensure that your writing flows properly. They will also offer suggestions on how to improve your writing. At Transcription City, we add any punctuation automatically to your transcript from your dictation.
If you would like more information about the transcription services we provide for authors and writers please get in touch. We also offer proofreading, light editing and formatting services if they are required.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha