Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Translation Services Document Templates for Video and Audio

For your video or audio translation projects, there are a few different options in terms of templates, with or without time codes, with or without transcription and in media formats suitable for subtitles or captions.
Here are attached examples of our translation service templates and what information you can expect to be conveyed through each style.

Translation Services and Transcription Services
Transcription Services and Translation Services

Direct Translation Services with Time Codes

With this option, speech is translated directly into the target language with time codes every 30 seconds and every speaker change as a marker to what section of your audio or video the translation relates to, handy for future reference and edits.
In the example, the translation includes time codes in the left, speaker name in the middle column and translated dialogue on the right.
French Time coded Direct Translation

Transcription/Translation Services with Time Codes

For the most accurate video translation service, this option includes transcription in the source language with time codes for reference, every 30 seconds and every speaker change. Then alongside the source transcription, translation will be provided in the target language. Accuracy is highest with this method as effectively the translation is now being undertaken through written word rather than audio.
In the example translation, as you can see, time codes are on the left column, speaker name next, followed by source language transcription and finally translation in the column on the far right.
Italian Time coded Transcription and Translation

Transcription and Translation Services Template

Similar to video translation and transcription but without time codes, making future reference against your source video or audio a little tougher. This is a good option for short videos or sound files up up to around give minutes.
In the example translation document, speaker name is on the left column, source transcription in the center column and target language translation on the right.

Subtitle Translation Services Templates

We provide translation services for subtitles and closed captions. The examples show some of the styles we can use for different foreign subtitle projects.
Dutch Subtitle
Italian Subtitle
If you would like more information about our transcription services or translation services, why not get in touch? We are available 7 days a week and always happy to help.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha