Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Transcription Services, Speech Recognition Software and AI

Here at Transcription City we provide expert transcription services, translation services, subtitling services and proofreading services for speech recognition software. With the rapid development of technology, many transcription projects, translation projects and subtitling services are becoming more and more reliant on speech recognition for completion.

While there is definitely something positive to be said for automated captions and speech recognition. Their accuracy isn’t perfect when it comes to the AI required for complex conversations or multiple speaker audio or video files. Automatic captioning can also be hit and miss. This is apparent when it comes to sentence splitting and readability onscreen. And is largely because any automated service does not have certain capabilities that humans can take for granted such as using context. When it comes to tricky dialogue (whether being transcribed or translated) context is key.

If you have an extremely low budget and do not need very high quality finish there is certainly an argument that use of automatic captioning. Also you could use voice recognition, automatic translation or AI as it can be better than nothing at all. We do offer this as a service. However, it is strongly recommended that you include a proofreading service alongside for an accurate outcome.

Transcription Services 

When working as a transcriptionist, it is absolutely vital that you are a good listener. Now I wonder, what do you think I mean by that? Being a good listener, it’s really about having a sense of very accurate hearing. This means that you have to be able to hear someone correctly. More often than not, an audio recording that we receive to be transcribed may not be very clear. There can also be several people talking over each other at the same time. This means you have to be good at what you are doing, in order to provide an accurate transcript for a client.

Now you may think that in some ways that is really easy, as long as the audio provides you with the right information to type. Unfortunately there are words that sound very, very similar to each other, although they are not. In the heat of the moment a word such as flour/flower’ something easily overlooked by speech recognition software. However, can obviously mean the white powder you use for baking or indeed the beautiful plant creatures that grow in your garden and smell lovely.

However if you only hear the word it could both mean the same. Of course we possess the intelligence of understanding within the context of a sentence what this means. But sometimes it can be indeed both of these words within the context of what you’re listening to transcribe, can both mean the same thing and the context would be the same. In that case you may need to do some research, and look into this further.

High Quality Transcription

We obviously strive to provide the best service to a customer and a high quality of transcription. Therefore we will do that research and if not we may ask for some advice. After all, that is what we have trained for. At Transcription City, you can be assured that we work with the highest level of competence. We do know the difference between properly’ and probably’. As well as substance’ versus sustenance’. Several words respectively that are very similar in spelling, but are entirely different meanings.

If you would like more information about any of our transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, voiceover services, proofreading services for speech recognition software, closed captioning services or note taking services, why not get in touch today? We are available 7 days a week and always happy to help.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha