WebVTT Captioning and SRT Subtitles for YouTube, Vimeo and Online Video

Subtitling services can be used produce such a wide variety of different looks, layouts and outcomes. However, one of the most popular and most basic form of closed captioning or subtitle formats is an SRT (SubRip). This is followed closely by a WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) subtitle format. There are Many reasons for this. Lets take a look at just some of the many advantages of using SRT or WebVTT captioning and subtitles.

Cheap Captioning Services

WebVTT captioning and subtitling ServicesOne of the main advantages of SRT subtitles or WebVTT captioning is that they are cost effective subtitle formats. This is generally because they are a text based subtitle format. They can be opened, edited and amended using a basic text editor. You could technically create a WebVTT or SRT file using a text editor. Unfortunately though, it would most likely take too long to be lucrative and also be very difficult to time correctly. There are many free subtitle creation programs and captioning software that can be downloaded for free. Or at very little cost to create professional and accurately timed subtitles.

SRT and WebVTT Captioning are the Gold Standard for Online Video

The great thing about these simple little text based caption and subtitle files is that they are the most widely used and compatible captioning files for use in online video. This means that closed captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing is cheaper and easier to produce for big video streaming companies such as Netflix, Amazon Video, YouTube and Vimeo (to name a very few). Often these forms of subtitle are created using crowd sourcing, to produce captioning, subtitling and foreign language subtitling. Meaning online video is likely to become more and more accessible for viewers who are deaf, hard of hearing or do not speak the source language of the original film.

What is the Difference Between WebVTT and SRT Subtitles

The difference between an SRT or WebVTT captioning is style. An SRT caption file contains only information about the dialogue and when it should be displayed onscreen. As well as other relevant audio if you are producing captions for the deaf and hard of hearing. A VTT file goes the extra mile by allowing the subtitling technician to add caption colours, caption font styles, the text position and alignment onscreen can also be specified.  The background around the text can also be styled. This is often put in a black box or text is bordered to stand out from the video itself. Again, both of these caption files can be easily edited using a basic text editor such as notepad or text edit.

Professional Online Video Captioning Services and Subtitling Services for Online Video

Our company is well established has been producing subtitles and captions for many years, learning new techniques and keeping up with the latest trends and practices along the way to ensure that we can pass our knowledge and experience on to you. This ensures that you have access to the best online video captioning services at cost effective prices. We are happy to take on video captioning projects both big and small and complete to your specification.

Saving you time, reducing your workload and making video more accessible for both those who are deaf and hard of hearing and viewers who do not speak the source language of the video. For more information about the technical side of subtitling in VTT format you can visit this useful website. For enquires regarding our captioning services for the deaf or hard of hearing or foreign language subtitling services feel free to contact us at anytime.