Transcription Services for Vlogs (video blogs) and Online Video

Here at Transcription City, we love to transcribe a variety of media, from video to audio, hard copies, digital copies and online copies. We also provide transcription services in a huge range of transcription styles (from discourse analysis to copy edited transcription) to suit your needs and requirements. With that in mind, we thought we’d concentrate on the importance of transcription services for video or transcription services for vlogs and what Transcription City can do to help you and your company gain more clients and make your videos accessible to all.

Transcription Services for Vlogs

Whether you have an online YouTube, Vimeo or Facebook channel, having your video blogs transcribed offers so many benefits. Firstly, having a video blog transcribed allows your viewers to access and share your video content quickly and easily, without having to watch your video or as an enhancement to your video.

Transcription Services for Vlogs  Making your Videos Accessible

Probably the single most important reason to have your videos transcribed is that it makes them equally accessible to all viewers. This means that viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing, blind or hard of seeing, viewers who speak a foreign language and viewers who wish to watch your content without sound can all enjoy and fully understand your message.

Closed Captioning Services for Vlogs

As mentioned above video transcription in the form of closed captioning services allows your videos to be accessible and fully understood by viewers who are deaf, hard of hearing or do not have access to the sound or your videos.

Subtitling Services for Vlogs

We also offer video transcription services and video translation services in the form of subtitles. This allows your video content to be marketed worldwide. Foreign language subtitling services can expand your viewership and your business worldwide as you make your content accessible to all.

Video Transcription and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Finally, video transcription services in the form of interactive transcripts, foreign language subtitling, closed captioning or plain text transcription all allows the search engines to find and index your video content accurately. This will build your rankings on Google, Yahoo, Bing and the like and will expand your viewership. This means more viewers, a wider audience and more revenue for your business.
If you would like more information about any of our video transcription services, why not get in touch today? We are available seven days a week and always happy to help.

We also found this great website that demonstrates how transcription services for vlogs can be transcribed to include visual and audio descriptions. Allowing for accessibility for both deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired and blind audiences.

Here at Transcription City, you will find that we can accept a vast range of different file types and formats. Just in case you would like to know more about what type of files we can transcribe and how you can send your files, we thought we’d write a blog to help clarify things for you.

Digital Audio Files for Transcription

Our favourite files are small ones! This is because they take up less space and so are much faster to upload and download, meaning less hassle for everyone and faster turnaround times. Files such as .mp3 and .wma are probably the smallest sound files and probably also the most widely used! However, don’t despair if your files have been recorded in a different format, we also accept .wav, .aiff, .ogg, .gsm, .flac, .au, .vox, .raw, .trm, .rm, .aac, ,atrac, .dss, .msv, .dvf and more!

Hard Copy Audio Files for Transcription

We are happy to accept hard copies of your audio for transcription. This includes cassette tapes, video cassette tapes, DVD’s, CD’s and USB Memory sticks. As these can’t be uploaded directly to our website, they will obviously have to be posted to us which will impact the turnaround time of your transcripts.

Digital Video Files for transcription

As well as accepting a wide range of files and formats for audio transcription, we also accept a wide variety of video formats. As mentioned earlier, the smaller the file, the easier it is to download and upload for transcription. Our preferred formats are small .mp4 formats, which we are happy for you to either upload directly to us, or to send us links for download such as YouTube, Vimeo or your own FTP server. We also accept .mov (Quicktime), .avi, .mpeg, .3gp, .asf, divx, .flv, .m4v, .mkv, .mpe, .mpg, .vob, .wmv and more!
As you can see, we accept a wide variety of video and audio files and formats for transcription!
If you have any questions about the types of files that we can accept for transcription or would simply like to know more about our transcription services, why not get in touch today via email, telephone or instant message? We have a team of experienced, efficient and friendly online secretaries who are happy to help you.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha