Professional Multilingual Transcription Services

We provide a range of multilingual transcription services, typing services, translation services and subtitling services to meet your needs and requirements. Our team provide foreign language transcription for clients who need audio to be typed in their own language – ready for translation if required. We also provide subtitling services in virtually any language.

Learning to type is something that these days seems pretty standard. Or is it? Not that long ago we lived without computers and had beautiful mechanical typewriters. What joy it was to listen to the rhythm of a trained typist, hammering down the individual keys. I guess I still get a buzz when I hear a computer keyboard being treated in the same way, but it is by far not the same. I’m not really sure why though. I especially love typing in different languages, which is one of my favourite things about multilingual transcription services.

When I was little, this was in the 1980s, and where I lived it was not normal to have computers yet at that time. Sometimes my mum would take me to work and she would let me play with the electronic addition machine that her office was using to calculate people’s wages at the end of the month. I already found that I loved the individual keys and what sound they made. But even better, if you pressed the key to sum up, then it would spring into a flurry of tapping sounds and have a little print out of what you had just added up. Heaven.

Our Multilingual Transcription Services

But even more magical was this black, shiny metal treasure that my grandparents held. It was an old manual typewriter that they had inherited from my great-grandparents. I often spent my summer holidays there and while my grandfather was away at work, in an office using technology, I would beg my grandmother to allow me to type on the old machine. That is how I started to type. But as an 8-year-old it is actually quite difficult to hit the keys in quick succession, as I had seen on tv, because no matter how hard you try, as a child your hands are simply not big enough yet to do this quickly.  But it was really special and I even remember the smell of the ink ribbon on the typewriter. That is a smell that you simply don’t really get any more with a modern printer.

When I grew up I could sort of type okay. That means sort of fast enough to not look unprofessional. But I didn’t use all my fingers. So when I became a professional typist, I had to learn to type again. Not only using all fingers, but hitting the right keys with the correct fingers. And then there is the thing about not looking at your fingers anymore when you type, but actually looking at the screen. It took some time to learn and I am still improving my speed occasionally. It is this old thing you never stop learning!

If you would like more information about our transcription services, multilingual transcription services, translation services, subtitling services or translation services, why not get in touch? We are available 7 days a week and always happy to help.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha