Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Money Saving Transcription

Saving Money on your Transcripts – Transcript Turnarounds

Some business sectors are fast paced in nature. If you work within media or journalism, you will likely have lots of urgent audio and video that needs to be typed up for you to use for quotes and articles. But sometimes it can pay to either send through your media for transcription early, to give your transcription company time to do a good job, or simply to agree to wait a little longer for it. Here’s some important information on typing service company turnarounds.

Transcription Savings

If you have audio you need transcribed and it’s of an urgent nature, most transcription companies can offer turnarounds of as little as four hours, but it’s important to remember this will come at an extra cost. Standard turnaround times for transcription online average at around 24-48 hours and if you are happy to wait this amount of time, you can sometimes almost halve your bill.

Transcript Quality Enhancement

If you need to have a transcription expedited in order to get a job done quickly, this is always on option, but it’s important to remember, the faster a file is typed out to fit within a deadline, the less time will be left for proofreading and research. Unfortunately, tight deadlines can sometimes mean slightly compromised quality as there is little margin allowed time wise for making extra checks as required.

Save Money on your Transcripts by Planning Ahead

Within all business sectors, sometimes you will find you have a file that needs to be typed up and ready yesterday, but the truth is, the best way to save yourself stress, time and money is to plan ahead and order your transcripts early rather than waiting until the last minute so you will face a lot of stress, and a higher bill.

How Urgent is Your Transcript?

The last thing to consider when requesting a transcription company take on your urgent work is whether the work is truly urgent or can wait. Bearing in mind urgent transcription can almost double your bill, it’s not uncommon to find clients who order four hour turnaround and then get back to us three days later with a query on their file, stating that they have only just managed to have a read through as they’ve been so busy. At Transcription City, we’re always happy to deal with any queries that clients have, but the question is, why pay a higher rate to get something back within four hours that you’re only going to manage to work on three days later?

Prioritize your Transcripts

Similarly, if you have 20 hours’ worth of audio that you feel needs to be back within a day, before ordering your documents, it’s worthwhile considering how much you will reasonably get through that day. If you realize that you may only get through five hours’ worth, you can maybe have the rest transcribed on a 24-48 hour turnaround which will save you a lot of money!
So there’s our tips and advice on urgent transcription – and how best to save money and stress when ordering it.
If you have any questions or queries relating to our transcription services, don’t hesitate to contact us using our online web submission form or give us a call. We look forward to working with you!

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha