Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Five Reasons a Virtual Assistant Will Save You Money

Top Five Reasons Hiring a Virtual Assistant Will Save You Money

Hiring a virtual assistant to help out with your business gives you a number of advantages over the competition, not to mention providing additional benefits such as saving you time and money. To give you an example of some of the reasons hiring a virtual assistant makes perfect sense financially, we’ve made a list for you!
You Pay only for Work Completed
Unlike in house staff, a virtual assistant will only charge for the work that has been completed. Not only does this work out significantly cheaper than paying onsite staff for an entire day, but it also means that the your virtual assistant has plenty of motivation to complete the tasks you give them quickly and efficiently, as they do not get paid to sit around doing nothing.

No Equipment Costs

If you hire in house staff, you need to provide and pay for any equipment needed to complete the work you give them. This includes furniture, computers, telephones, printers and software. Then there’s the hidden costs such as heating, electricity, office space and telephone bills. A virtual assistant comes complete with all their own equipment, meaning that you make significant savings on expenses.

No Holiday or Sick Pay

In house permanent and part time employees require time off, whether this is due to annual leave or sick pay, this costs money. Virtual assistants only charge for the work they do for you, meaning you don’t have to worry about paying for any time off. Virtual assistants can also prove invaluable when it comes to finding cover during staff absences.

No Training Costs

A virtual assistant is responsible for keeping up to date with the latest technology and pays for their own training. This means that you don’t have to worry about forking out for expensive training courses or qualifications. In fact, with competition being high for virtual assistants, you will often find that your virtual assistant will have knowledge and training above and beyond what is required to do a good job.

No Overtime Costs

Many virtual assistants offer their services around the clock, without charging over time rates. There are many virtual assistants who are happy to complete work during evenings, weekends and bank holidays. Not only does this mean that they are able to complete work well within tight deadlines, but it also means that you can stay ahead of the competition without breaking the bank.

So there you have it! Five great reasons a virtual assistant will save you money.
If you would like to know more about some of the transcription services, virtual assistance or subtitling services that we offer, why not get in touch today? We are available during evenings, weekends and bank holidays. Our team will always match you with an online secretary or virtual assistant whose knowledge and experience are perfectly matched to your individual requirements. We look forward to connecting with you!

So contact us today for translation services, transcription services, note taking services, subtitling services and closed captioning services.


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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha