Conference Transcription Services and Conference Translation Services

What an inspiring conference that was! The key note speakers were absolutely amazing with their ground-breaking new findings in their latest study. How can we take this further? Our conference transcription services or conference translation services are available as and when you need them.Conference translation services

Transcription Services – What a great conference!

Transcription City supplies excellent services to both organisers and delegates for academic, business and medical conferences. We can provide you with a transcript for all your speeches, which means that you can forward not just a recording to the attendees, but an actual transcript. That means that your delegates can use this as reference, now or in the future. The speakers will be referenced accordingly, so there would not be any second-guessing as to who spoke when. Questions from the audience would be catalogued, something which is very exciting as these discussions sometimes feature the most innovative and thought-provoking impulses, but which are easily lost when only the notes from the speaker are being distributed afterwards.
From the point of view of being an attendee, there are a number of great benefits to this. If you want to watch a section again, you would be able to find the relevant passages easily, as we can provide timestamps in your transcripts. Simply forward to the right minutes and second and press play’. But there is something much more important in all of this: any quotes from the conference will be quoted accurately, something that is absolutely paramount.
But it can get even better: If you film the speech, we can also create subtitles for it, which would give your delegates the most excellent of experiences. Imagine the whole package that you could provide people with: accurate transcripts of all speeches given, including those from break-out seminars that not everybody attended, as well as a fully subtitled recording and transcript of the keynote speech. Would this not be any delegate’s dream?
So how does this work? It is very simple. You record the conference speeches and we will provide the transcripts. Confidentiality is paramount at Transcription City. Contact us for today for conference transcription services, conference translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services and typing services we can offer you a quote and we will guide you through the process.

For more information, visit this useful website.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha