Transcription City News and Offers

Transcription City News.

Keeping you up to date Transcription City News!

Over 10% Discount on verbatim transcription services

Verbatim transcription is a style of transcription that includes every utterance in your dictation, interview or focus group. A verbatim transcript will contain all repetitions, false starts and conversation fillers (such as um’, erm’, you know’, etc) from your sound or video file.
Verbatim transcription is recommended for those involved in research or legal sectors, where it is important to capture as much detail as possible from recorded interviews or dictations.
During this month, we are offering verbatim transcription services for just £1.00 per audio minute  that’s more than 10% off!
It’s Holiday Season!
If you are short on staff in the run up to Christmas due to holidays or illness, why not give us a call or email. We are able to provide administrative cover including transcription, minute taking, data entry, proofreading, video transcription and formatting  to name just a few. Transcription City has a range of highly qualified and experienced secretaries on hand who are able to fill in while your permanent staff are unavailable. Our services can make you substantial savings when compared to hiring part time or temporary staff  meaning more money to spend during the festive season!
If you would like more information about any of the secretarial or transcription services that Transcription City provides, why not contact us via email, telephone or instant message today. We are always happy to help!


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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha