A Day in the Life of a Work-At-Home Transcriptionist

My name is Hayley, and I’m a mum working for Transcription City. At 29 years old, I hold an English Literature degree and have six years of experience in subtitling. For work, I provide transcription services from home. I’ve always been highly self-motivated and loved my full-time job providing transcription for a production company. However, my dream has always been to stay at home with my children. Like many, the current economy makes that dream challenging, so I found a balance that allows me to care for my five-month-old son, James, while contributing financially.

Morning Routine: A Blend of Parenting and Productivity

7:30 AM – My day starts when James wakes up for his morning feed. After breakfast, we spend some quality time together. We play on his entertainment center, explore a book, and play. By 9:30 AM, he’s ready for his first nap, which gives me the first window of time to focus on work.

10:00 AM – With James asleep, I check my emails to see if any medical dictation work has come in from my regular clients. If I have work waiting, I dive right in. If not, I email my boss at Transcription City to let her know I’m available for typing services and then tackle household chores like laundry. This flexibility is one of the major benefits of working from home—I can easily switch between being a mum and a professional.

Midday: Keeping the Balance

11:30 AM – James wakes up, and we focus on his early language development. We sing songs, engage in ‘babble’ conversations, and just have fun. Around noon, he eats lunch, and after that, we head out for a short walk if the weather is nice. This routine gives us both some fresh air and a change of scenery.

2:00 PM – After our walk, James is ready for his baby gym, and I return to my work. If I received medical dictation earlier, I focus on completing it since these tasks often come with tight deadlines. If not, I begin on any other assignments that have come in. My specialty lies in subtitle transcription and production, but I also have experience in medical transcription, so my work can vary day to day. Most often, I find myself working on interview transcriptions, as this type of work is frequently requested by clients.

Afternoon: Juggling Responsibilities

4:00 PM – James is ready for a feed. Afterward, we enjoy some more playtime before I start preparing dinner for my husband’s return home. Working from home allows me to be there for these moments with James, which I value deeply.

6:00 PM – This is family time. We all have dinner together, and then we keep James awake, though much of this time is quiet and relaxing. Whether it’s a soothing bath or simply some cuddle time, we prepare him for bed.

Evening: Focused Work and Relaxation

8:00 PM – With James tucked in for the night, I shift my focus back to work. This is when I tackle the bulk of my assignments. I typically manage to complete about 30 audio minutes of video transcription or subtitle production during this time, which means I’m usually working until around 9:30 PM. The peace and quiet of the evening allow me to concentrate fully and get a significant amount of work done.

9:30 PM – After finishing my work, I wind down by watching TV with my husband, either in the living room or in bed. This time is essential for me to relax and recharge after a busy day.

10:30 PM – I head to bed, ready to repeat the routine tomorrow.

Reflections on the Work-From-Home Lifestyle

Working from home has transformed my life in many ways. It allows me to be present for all the important moments with James while still contributing to our household income. I appreciate the flexibility that this lifestyle offers—I’m able to be my own boss, set my own hours, and structure my day around my family’s needs.

Balancing Family and Career

The ability to fit in subtitling, dictation, interview typing, and proofreading around my day means I can work during James’s naps or after he’s gone to bed. This arrangement is as close as I can get to my dream of being a full-time stay-at-home mum while still pursuing a career. The work is fulfilling, and the balance I’ve achieved between my personal and professional life is incredibly rewarding.

Join the Transcription City Team

If you have at least five years of experience as a secretary or transcriptionist and the skills to provide accurate, timely, and professional transcription services, consider joining the team at Transcription City. We’re always looking for dedicated professionals who can deliver high-quality work. Working from home provides the flexibility to be there for your family while building a successful career. If you’re ready to take control of your work-life balance, send your CV to info@transcriptioncity.co.uk today and start your journey toward a fulfilling career in remote work, just like mine.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha