What makes a great Multilingual Transcription Company?

Whether you want to translate a video or audio file, need subtitling services or closed captioning services or simply have some audio or video that needs transcribing, choosing the right multilingual transcription company is important. When using a multilingual transcription company to type up your audio or video files, it is essential that they use transcribers that have a good command of the source language because…


Is Transcription Work Difficult?

A large majority of transcription work is difficult to hear audio such as focus groups, group interviews and interviews conducted within noisy surroundings (cafes, bars, offices, etc.). For this reason alone, it is essential that the transcriptionist possess a very good grasp of the source language spoken in order to follow the dialogue and produce a professional, accurate transcript. This is one of many reasons while voice recognition is not a viable option when it comes to accurate multilingual transcription or subtitling services.

How Do I Transcribe Low Quality Audio or Video Files?

Low-quality audio and video recordings often demand that the typist uses their listening skills to either make a phonetic guess or re-listen several times in order to make sense of what has been said – this can only be done effectively if the dialogue is being followed correctly and is thoroughly understood by the audio typist. This is a skill that can take years to perfect – even for audio typists who have acquired an excellent grasp of the source language and have many years’ experience of audio/video transcription.

The recordings we receive come from a wide range of different industries and sectors, so call for a significant amount of research and background knowledge in order to transcribe accurately.

Frequently recordings will contain regional accents, slang, colloquial language, technical information, background noise, over-speaking, interjection – or all of the above. As I’m sure you can imagine, this necessitates a very specific, focused knowledge base and a strong command of the source language in order to transcribe both quickly and accurately – something that our clients rely on.

What Does It Take To Be A Great Typist?

Transcription work demands excellent writing skills (complete understanding and correct implementation of grammar, punctuation and spelling). A good audio typist needs to possess and use their knowledge of the source language to implement understanding of semantic structures, to correct spoken errors (such as double negatives) and indicate subtle nuances in speech.  In cases where the client requires an edited transcript, the audio typist needs to be capable of removing irrelevant parts of the dialogue, whilst maintaining the tone, style, syntax, structure and meaning of the original dialogue and then proofread the transcript for publication. A client may at another time require a transcript in a strict verbatim style – including slang or non-verbal audio cues for discourse analysis (all of which demand a strong understanding of the source language spoken and the ability to reproduce this accurately in written form).  

In short, transcriptionists should possess a high level of linguistic skill in order to accurately listen, understand, transcribe, edit, proofread and deliver transcripts often on very strict deadlines. An audio typist with impeccable language skills, years of transcription experience and relevant qualifications (such as Pitman and RSA typing qualifications) can still find this extremely challenging work. Bear in mind some of these interviews contain medical and legal information, where accuracy, experience and skill is absolutely essential.

How Can I Find A Great Multilingual Transcription Company?

When selecting a multilingual transcription company for multilingual audio or video files, it is always essential that you use a company that understands the subject matter and is able to transcribe accurately. This is important when using the audio or video text for subtitling, closed captioning or translation purposes, as if it is not transcribed accurately in the first instance, it can present additional problems in whatever target languages are later required.

How Do I become A Good Translator or Audio Typist?

Work is offered strictly on ability (assessed via CV and completion of relevant tests) and availability. Transcription tests are offered to applicants of all nationalities, as you can see from the evidence provided. Transcriptionists are offered work on a sub-contractor basis and work is supplied as and when it becomes available. We cannot guarantee set hours or continuity of work.

If you would like more information about our multilingual transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, proofreading services or note taking services, why not get in touch today we are always happy to help.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha