Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

What Is Video Transcription

What Is Time Coded Video Transcription?

One of our most popular styles of transcription is time coded video transcription. A time coded transcript is essentially a transcript that logs the times that dialogue is spoken at regular intervals (usually every 30 seconds) or for every speaker change.

Why Have A Time Coded Transcript?

One of the most popular reasons for having a time coded transcript for your videos is for the purposes of video editing. Many video production companies have many hours of video rushes that need to be logged and edited to produce a polished and professional final edit. Having a video transcript with time codes can save video editors many hours of having to pinpoint the pieces of video they want to keep and the pieces that don’t need to be used. By reading through a time coded transcript, they very quickly find the pieces of video that the want to keep.
Another reason for having a time coded transcript is for the purposes of translation. This is because it is much easier for a translator to translate the dialogue from a transcript, than to translate and transcribe one language into another. Translations of a time coded transcript can then be used to produce subtitles and captions for viewers who speak in a different language to the one used in the video.

What Types Of Time Coded Transcripts Are There?

There are several forms of time coded video transcription, these include standard time coded transcripts (which are transcribed using intelligent verbatim and include time codes every 30 seconds). Standard video transcripts do not include video descriptions or fillers such as “erm”, “um” etc. Then there are time coded transcripts with visual descriptions and time coded transcript in strict verbatim.

Subtitles and Captions for Video

Another, albeit much more precise version of a time coded video transcript, is a subtitle or caption file. These types of files require very precise time codes that need an exact ‘in time’ and ‘out time’ for dialogue of around only 30-40 characters per line. As a general rule, subtitles are used for foreign language translation and captions, which also include descriptions of external sounds other than speech (such as ‘phone rings’) are generally used for audiences who are either deaf or hard of hearing.
If you would like more information about our time coded video transcription services or would like us to provide you with a quote for video transcription, why not get in touch today?

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha