Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

What is a Speech to Text Reporter?

A transcriptionist doesn’t necessarily have to work online, in fact there are many different forms of transcription available both online and offline. As well as transcription into document form, there are also similar services such as subtitling and captioning, translation and speech to text reporting (often abbreviated to STTR) all of which can be carried out in person or remotely. To let you know a little more about the diversity that a transcription services company can offer, we thought we’d look at speech to text reporting and the benefits it offers to deaf and hard of hearing clients.

subtitling and captioning services
Speech to text reporters can caption on screen in real time.

What is a Speech to Text Reporter?

A speech to text reporter converts the spoken word into the written word using either a Stenograph or Palantype keyboard. These are not the same as a standard keyboard, as they allow the reporter to use shorthand in order to type what is being said, the text is then relayed onto a screen that can be followed by the client (this screen can be anything from laptop, in the case of a meeting, or a large overhead screen in the case of a theatre production). Speech to text reporting is produced in real time (similar to subtitles) and is most commonly used for deaf or hard of hearing clients. Speech to text reporters must be able to produce a minimum of 180 words per minute in order to qualify (which should be fast enough provide an accessible means of following a meeting, proceeding or event), must carry their NRCPD registration cards at all times and have their own indemnity insurance. NRCPD stands for (The National Registers of Communication professionals working with Deaf and Deafblind People).

Speech to Text Reporters

Traditionally a speech to text reporter will visit an event in person. They will often provide their own equipment, but this is something that needs to be established when making a booking. They will need to be provided with a desk and comfortable adjustable chair, which is positioned so that all speakers can be seen and heard easily and should also have a clear view the captioning screen. A speech to text reporter will need to come prepared, so it is imperative that they are provided with all documentation related to the event at least seven days beforehand in order to prepare and produce an accurate live feed. They will require regular breaks (at least one per hour) and may need to work together with other speech to text reporters depending on the length of the proceeding (if more than 4 hours) and requirements of the client. Speech to text reporters do not provide transcripts or notes at the end of the event (although some may offer this as an additional service, where the event has been recorded, and an edited a transcript is produced at a later time).

Remote Speech to Text Reporters – Online assistance

Speech to text reporters can also provide online assistance remotely. Although this is often a more cost effective and sometimes more convenient option, it is only recommended for small groups (four participants or under), and also requires a strong internet connection and good quality microphones. Speech to text reporters working remotely are able to caption presentations or lectures, as well as teleconferences, online conferences and one to one interviews or meetings.
If you would like to know more about text to speech reporters or the NRCPD, you can visit the NRCPD website for more information. Here at Transcription City, we provide professional transcription services, captioning, subtitling and translation services and are always happy to help with any enquiries you may have.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha