Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Video Podcast Transcription

Podcast Transcription

With the growth of the internet over the past 20 years, more and more companies are using the internet to sell, market and advertise their products and services. Podcasts and videos can be a great way to spread the word about the services your company provides and products you sell, but why stop at just a video or audio file on the internet? Here are just some of the best reasons why if you are

Video Podcast Transcription
Podcast Transcription Services

a business with online podcasts, you should look to have them transcribed.
Search engine optimisation (SEO). Search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, to name just a few, are unable to crawl the content of a sound file, but they can read, so work with whatever text is included within your website and links to it. Yes, search engines can locate the titles of your podcasts to optimise but imagine how many keywords you are leaving out which are included in the audio content of your podcasts.
Good for sharing. Text is easier to share via email and social networks than audio or video. You can include any podcast transcriptions in your blog emails to subscribers directly in an email, rather than having to send links to your podcasts (which email hosts can sometimes move to the SPAM folder!)
Accessibility. Podcasts that are solely audio or video without accompanying transcription are not accessible for the deaf. By including subtitles with your podcasts on YouTube or Vimeo, or otherwise uploading an accompanying transcript, you render your podcast available to a much wider audience. In this sense, video transcription and audio transcription can be an indispensable tool.
Compatibility and a plan. Many people will listen to or watch podcasts on their iPhone, Android, Blackberry or tablet whilst on the move. However, signal and WiFi issues can mean that these are clunky and slow to load, and sometimes your target audience might podgive up’ on streaming your podcast. However, text has a much faster download speed, and when struggling to stream a full mp3, your listener has a reliable, easy to read transcript to fall back on.
Articles. Following transcription of your podcasts, you can use your finished document to create an article for any business newsletters or emails you have. Transcription City can also offer an editing service for this, to turn your podcast from a transcription into an easy to read article. Once you have all of your podcasts transcribed, you can even consider compiling the information into a book that you can market and sell separately.
Education and Resourcing. A transcript of a podcast can be useful for both revision and academic resourcing, or using segments of your podcasts as quotations. Remember, it’s far easier to search for a word yourself using a search tool online or in MS Word than it is to sit and listen to minutes or even hours of audio just to find that one useful quote or important fact.
So I’ll think you’ll agree that podcast and video podcast transcription is great! If you are interested in using our transcription services with us, please email, instant message or give us a call. We look forward to helping you!

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha