How to Maximise Productivity and Save Time

Work can be extremely stressful at times, especially if you are responsible for a number of different tasks or perhaps run your own business. One of the main things that can stunt your productivity is simply lack of time. Luckily, we have some ideas that might help!

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Here’s our guide to getting things done:

Stop Procrastinating – Few people look forward to writing reports, doing accounts or catching up with work that’s been laying around for a while, but sitting around procrastinating about all of the things that you have to do, will just put you off further and probably stress you out in the process. Decide to make a start now and do it, even if you can only face doing half an hour to start with.

Prioritise and Devise a Plan – First off, it is important to decide what needs to be done now and what isn’t quite so urgent. This will help you to come up with a plan that will allow you to complete any tasks with a tight deadline first and then focus on the stuff that is a little less pressing.

Write a Schedule – Coming up with a schedule and sticking to it will ensure that you use your time effectively and not wastefully. Break your day up into small segments and focus on getting things done. We think you’ll be surprised on how quickly it adds up.

Be Realistic – If you have six months’ worth of paper work to catch up on it’s unlikely that you’ll get it all done in a couple of hours. Be realistic about what you can get done in the time frame you have, otherwise you’ll likely end up flustered, stressed and overwhelmed. Start small and work steadily, that way you are much less likely to become overwhelmed.

Hire some Help – If you are really overstretched or have a tight deadline that you simply can’t meet, it may be time to look at hiring some outside help. Many companies offer online assistance for tasks such as secretarial services, transcription services, data entry, PowerPoint or Keynote presentations, copy typing and more. This can be a real godsend if you are struggling and can work out at a fraction of the price of hiring an in-house temp.

We hope you’ve found our guide to maximum productivity useful, if you have any tips please feel free to leave a comment below.
If you are interested in finding out more about the secretarial support services that we offer or would like to place an order please contact us today, we are always happy to help.



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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha