At Transcription City, we cater to the needs of an extensive range of businesses and clients, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is a very high demand for the transcription of interviews carried out by our clients in the field of journalism. Given the nature of the work, members of the press produce items of interest for the public which tend to be of an urgent nature. To give a clearer picture on what we do, let’s explore transcription services for press interviews in greater detail. Transcription Services For Press Interviews

Transcription Services For Press Interviews – Types of Press Interviews

Every day, we receive an array of interviews for transcription from across every media genre, including Television, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines and online publications. Our clients often send over interviews for transcription straight after they are recorded, and it is our job to ensure we can produce transcripts as accurately and swiftly as possible. Providing our clients with transcripts in good time means they can meet deadlines ahead of submitting them to press, be it nationally or internationally.

Transcription For Press Interviews – Meeting Deadlines

By producing quality transcripts, Transcription City takes away some of the pressure associated with press releases. From the moment you make an enquiry, either by telephone or via the website, we work hard to ensure interviews are allocated to the next suitable and available typist. Files are uploaded, and then distributed to the typist via a secure method. Prior to receipt of files, typists are informed of the required turnaround time; this ensures they can plan their time effectively to type the document, proof-read the work and safely upload the content ready for return to the client. Interviews are normally transcribed in a minimum of just four hours. Meeting your deadlines is crucial and we take this resposnibitily very serisouly.

Transcription For Press Interviews – Client Confidentiality

Our typists appreciate the need for the utmost discretion. In order to deal to provide expert transcription services for press interviews, including those carried out through undercover work, typists must adhere to the Data Protection Act. Furthermore, clients sometimes insist on the signing of an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). We are happy to accommodate this request in order to give our clients that extra peace of mind. As part of the strive for confidentiality, with any completed files that are sent to us, the transcripts are deleted from our system in within the following 48 hours. ]

Uploading Files for Transcription

For the safest, most efficient method of uploading, please send using the facility on our website, or transfer your files via Dropbox. Alternatively, you can send a link to access the files. Sending files as an attachment via email must to be avoided at all costs – not only does it slow down the entire process, it can also lead to files being damaged. It is recommended that files are compressed prior to sending; files can be sent much quicker and this has a positive impact on the time taken across entire transcription process as a whole.

Transcription Services and Accuracy – How you can help

A handy suggestion is to consider sending an information sheet for your typist to use during the transcription. This is useful if the file contains any unusual terms or phrases, and also assists with spelling any words which are deemed significantly difficult to identify. Supplying this additional information cuts down on the time taken on research, enabling the typist to produce your work in an even quicker turnaround time.
We have many templates for you to choose, but if you have very specific requirements please contact us. We will be happy to accommodate your needs and produce high quality transcripts.
For transcription services, translation services, closed captioning services or subtitling services, please get in touch via the website or simply give us a call!
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For more information about transcription services for the press, visit this useful website.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha