Transcription Services For Meeting Minutes

Transcription of Minutes.

If your company has a lot of important weekly, monthly or quarterly business meetings, you might want to think about hiring an online secretarial service to help organise your notes and produce a written account of any innovative ideas or new policies voiced

Transcription Services for Minutes
Transcription Services for Meeting Minutes

within your meetings.
Minutes of important meetings should always be produced for reference. Not only should accurate minutes be kept for meeting participants and attendees, but they are also important for members of staff unable to make it to a meeting. Important excerpts from meeting minutes can also be used within weekly or monthly newsletters, in order to keep staff and clients up to date and informed about any important decisions or changes that are taking place within your company.
One of the best ways to get an accurate and detailed set of minutes is to record your meetings and then have any highlights or important points transcribed by a professional and experienced online secretary. This way, every point will be recorded, so you won’t miss any important pieces of information (as sometimes happens when minutes are taken by a secretary using shorthand at the time-). Using an online secretary is not only extremely cost effective (no holiday or sick pay) but also means that your minutes can be written and returned to you out of hours. This means that you can have the minutes returned to you first thing in the morning, from a meeting the night before.
Your minutes can also be formatted and laid out however you prefer, with attendees names either shortened to initials (with a key at the top), written in full or even kept anonymous (eg AT1 – Attendee 1). Our online secretaries will also use expert judgement not to include any irrelevant subject matter (such as who wants a biscuit). Your minutes will also be carefully organised to ensure that each new topic has a new heading. All conversations and discussions will be carefully sectioned under whichever heading is relevant; so even if one of your participants digresses. All subjects will be neatly kept together for ease of reference.
All meeting minutes will be fully proofread before sending to the client, either in Word, Pages or PDF format. We can also provide a full transcript of proceedings alongside your minutes, so if you feel an importnat point was not summarised, you can still refer back to it later.

We can offer a standard turnaround time of 24 hours for your minutes or (at a slightly higher rate) for urgent turnaround of 4 hours. A fast turnaround can mean your minutes are sent to your employees whilst all issues and ideas covered are still fresh in their minds!


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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha