Transcription Services and Virtual Assistance

How a Virtual Assistant Can Help Your Business

Running a business can be hard work and hiring new staff is not always practical or affordable, especially if you only require help during busy periods or while permanent staff absent due to annual leave or sickness. If you find yourself getting stressed out and overrun with work, maybe it’s time to consider hiring a virtual assistant to help. Here is an overview of just some of the professional services that are available to businesses that need a little extra help.

Transcription Services

Using an online transcription company can save both time and money when it comes to tasks such as dictation of letters, notes and formal documents. Transcription services can also help with marketing your business. Transcribing and posting articles, brochures and blog posts on to your website is great for search engine optimisation. Transcription services that include blog and article writing can also help to keep your visitors up to date with any important information about your business.

Secretarial Services

Online secretaries can do pretty much anything an onsite secretary can do (apart from making the tea!) This includes tasks such as making travel arrangements, bookkeeping, preparing and editing PowerPoint presentations, document formatting and diary management. The only difference is that you only pay for an online secretary as and when you need them, meaning no extra costs are involved other than hours worked.

Proofreading and Copy Editing Services

When you are in business, it’s important to maintain a high level of professionalism at all times and that means ensuring that your documents are always spelt correctly, with perfect grammar and proper formatting. Online proofreading and editing services will ensure that you avoid potentially embarrassing mistakes in your writing and transcription services can also provide important feedback for future documents.

Data Entry
Data entry is not always the most exciting task but can be extremely time consuming. Using an online data entry service will mean that you have the time to get on with more specialist tasks as well as provide you with the data you need, without the headache of having to enter it yourself.

Writing Services

Copy writing services can be invaluable when it comes to your business. Copy writing can be used for marketing your business through article, blog and brochure writing, but it can also be used for composing professional business letters and emails.

One of the main advantages of using an online virtual assistant is that you will only pay for the work that is done, so no sick pay, holiday pay or even lunch break to worry about. You also save on the cost of extra office space, recruitment costs or specialist equipment.

If you would like to know more about the services that Transcription City can offer you or your business, why not get in touch? We only use highly experienced secretaries, virtual assistants and transcriptionists. We are open 7 days a week and are always happy to help.



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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha