Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

The Six Most Important Aspects of a Transcription Company

Making the right choice when selecting a transcription services provider can be difficult with so many different transcription companies available online. To make things easier, we thought we would go through what we think are the top six aspects to look for when using an online transcription company.

Transcription Companies
Shh… I think he’s found a good transcription company!

#d9a53a;">Transcript Accuracy

Inaccuracy in transcription can change the entire meaning of what is being said. A professional transcription service will provide transcripts that are accurate, precise and maintain the meaning of what has been spoken in your audio or video.

#d9a53a;">Transcription Speed

If you are using a transcription services company, it’s likely that one of the reasons you have decided to outsource the work is because you lack the time or staff capacity to have the work done in-house, so speed is often a very big factor. Always ask about turnaround times to ensure your transcript gets back before your deadline.

#d9a53a;">Transcription Flexibility

A good transcription services company should always offer the option of completing your transcripts using your own in-house company templates. A good transcription company should be able to meet this sort of a demand with no trouble at all, and be flexible to your needs and any transcription extras you require.

#d9a53a;">Transcriptionists with Experience

Using transcriptionists with relevant and adequate experience is of paramount importance, especially when providing transcription services for legal or medical sectors. Inexperience can often be spotted from a mile away. For example, a good transcription company will employ transcriptionists that have experience within your sector and will therefore be familiar and fluent when it comes to understanding and transcribing any technical jargon.

#d9a53a;">Transcription Services with Initiative

If you have a conference that you need to have transcribed in order to circulate to your entire comapny and you’ve requested strict verbatim transcription, chances are this isn’t really what you want. A good transcription services company will be willing to suggest that this may be the wrong transcription style for your needs and that a transcription style such as an edited transcription will read much better. A good transcription company will advise you if they believe your choices may not best suit your needs.

#d9a53a;">A Transcription Service That Adapts with Technology

Uploads and downloads of files for transcription typically happen online and file formats are constantly changing and evolving. A good transcription company will keep up to date with all technological developments to ensure your transcription experience always runs as smoothly as possible, as well as being open to working with your existing work management programs.
If you would like more information about any of our transcription services or would like to request a quote for a project you may have, please feel free to get in touch. We are available seven days a week and look forward to connecting with you.

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha