The Advantages of Video Subtitling and Captioning

Video subtitling allows you to create videos that are globally accessible, meaning your content can be viewed and understood by everyone. Subtitling (both translated and source to source) and captioning (open or closed) should be a vital part of any video production project; not only are they vital for accessibility, but it is actually against the law to produce video for broadcast without the option of closed captioning. With this in mind, we thought we’d take a look at just some of the many advantages of video subtitling and captioning.subtitling-services-and-captioning-services

Captioning for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing

There is some confusion when it comes to subtitling versus captioning and what the difference are. Closed captioning (captions that are interactive and can be switched on or off as opposed to being part of the video itself) were originally developed to be a substitute for sound – meaning that dialogue and any sounds relevant to the video would be included. For example, captioning would include sounds that are imperative to the viewing experience (such as the roar of thunder, a knock at the door, a telephone ringing, the howl of a wolf) all of which are important to the plot, but not spoken words. Subtitling will include dialogue only, which may be in the source language (as a viewing aid) or as a translation of the source dialogue.

Subtitling Costs Less than Dubbing

Another significant advantage of subtitling is that it is significantly cheaper than video dubbing and once the subtitle file is created can be translated into a wide variety of differently languages without breaking the bank.

Subtitling Can Improve Language Skills

Subtitles are also a great way to improve your language skills without having to put in a huge amount of effort. Whether you are simply trying to improve your vocabulary for your holidays or studying a language in a classroom setting, you can do it while watching your favourite film or programme.

Subtitling is Extremely Useful for Online Learning

Subtitling provides the perfect aid for online learning, through visual as well as audio stimulus; helping you to learn and retain new information more easily. Accompanying transcripts are also an ideal way of studying on the go without having to re-watch the videos.

Subtitles and Captioning for SEO Benefits

Finally, subtitling and captioning is one of the best ways to effectively market your videos online. As the search engines can’t accurately read video content, they rely mostly on the accompanying text (such as title and description). Text from subtitles, captions or interactive transcripts will increase your searchability to levels that are way above your competitors and if you add translations, you will have a worldwide appeal.
If you would like more information about our captioning services, subtitling services, transcription services or translation services, why not get in touch? We are available 7 days a week and always happy to help. Simply let us know your requirements and we will design a package to suit your needs. We look forward to connecting with you.
To finish, we’ve also made a video of our own to say Happy Thanksgiving!

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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha