Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services, closed captioning services, live captioning services and note taking services.

Recording For Transcription on iPhone and Android Devices

Recording Audio Or Video On Your iPhone For Transcription

Recording or video for transcription on your iPhone or android phone can be an extremely convenient way of recording dictations on the go, so we thought that we would outline some of the things that your mobile devices are capable of when it comes to making high quality recordings, as well as going through some tips that may help you.

Transcription For iPhone Recordings
Transcription For iPhone and Android Recordings

As mobile devices do not have an external microphone, they are really only suitable for recording dictations. An iPhone is certainly NOT suitable for recording focus groups, group interviews or even one to one sessions. However, when it comes to recording dictations, the iPhone (or your Android phone) can produce a very nice recording. The other great thing about the iPhone is that it records in mp3, which is a compact file so is easy to store and send.

iPhone Video Transcription

If you choose to make videos on your iPhone, they will be stored in mp4, these are also small files and can be easily uploaded to either YouTube and be transcribed from there, or uploaded straight to us via our website. Once again, it is recommended that you keep to one speaker to ensure that the audio on your video is easy to hear – which obviously is also important to anyone who watches your video, as well as the transcriptionist!

Video and Audio Uploads from your iPhone or Mobile device

If your audio or video is small, it can be emailed directly to us. Alternatively you can upload your files directly via online storage apps such as DropBox or Dictamus (please contact us for client registration first). If you have videos recorded on your mobile device, these can be uploaded directly to YouTube or to Vimeo (various apps available). All that you need to do is provide us with passwords and we can then download your videos for transcription.
If you would like more information about how to record and upload audio or video via iPhone, iPad or Android device, please get in touch we are always happy to help.


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Transcriptionist and Virtual Assistant. View all posts by Samantha