It’s a new year and many people have now gone back to work or college. At this time of year things can seem pretty bleak, many people have come down with the flu or can’t get into work because of bad weather conditions. At this time a transcription service can be a godsend, especially if you are a small to medium sized business and cash is tight. Outsourcing your work to a transcription service can work out to be a lot cheaper and more reliable than hiring someone part time or taking on a temp.
Here’s a list of some of the benefits of outsourcing transcription or secretarial work to us.
- No sick or Holiday Pay
- No National Insurance
- Money saved on extras like equipment and furniture
- No double pay for overtime
- Money saved on recruitment agents and advertising for new staff
- Fast Turnaround times
- No training costs
- We work around the clock and seven days a week
- You have more time and money
- Your staff full time staff are less stressed
- You pay for the work done and nothing else
- We can take on work at a minutes notice
- Are staff are experienced and trained professionals
If you would like to know more about our services, please let us know via the contact page.
Happy New Year!